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segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

sábado, 22 de outubro de 2011

Fernando Pessoa - Dedicatória Aos Amigos

Um dia a maioria de nós irá separar-se.
Sentiremos saudades de todas as conversas jogadas fora, das descobertas que fizemos, dos sonhos que tivemos, dos tantos risos e momentos que partilhámos. Saudades até dos momentos de lágrimas, da angústia, das vésperas dos finais de semana, dos finais de ano, companheirismo vivido.
Sempre pensei que as amizades continuassem para sempre.
Hoje não tenho mais tanta certeza disso.
Em breve cada um vai para seu lado, seja pelo destino ou por algum desentendimento, segue a sua vida.
Talvez continuemos a nos encontrar, quem sabe...nas cartas que trocaremos.
Podemos falar ao telefone e dizer algumas tolices...Até que os dias vão passar, meses...anos...até este contacto se tornar cada vez mais raro.
Vamo-nos perder no tempo...Um dia os nossos filhos vão ver as nossas fotografias e perguntarão: "Quem são aquelas pessoas?" Diremos...que eram nossos amigos e...isso vai doer tanto!
"Foram meus amigos, foi com eles que vivi tantos bons anos da minha vida!" A saudade vai apertar bem dentro do peito.
Vai dar vontade de ligar, ouvir aquelas vozes novamente...Quando o nosso grupo estiver incompleto...reunir-nos-emos para um último adeus de um amigo.
E, entre lágrimas abraçar-nos-emos. Então faremos promessas de nos encontrar mais vezes desde aquele dia em diante.
Por fim, cada um vai para o seu lado para continuar a viver a sua vida, isolada do passado.
E perder-nos-emos no tempo...Por isso, fica aqui um pedido deste humilde amigo: não deixes que a vida te passe em branco, e que pequenas adversidades sejam a cauda de grandes tempestades...Eu poderia suportar, embora  não sem dor, que tivessem morrido todos os meus amores, mas enlouqueceria se morressem todos os meus amigos!

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

We're done!

I'm so done
I know I don't deserve to be treated like that.
You don't deserve nothing that I already gave to you.
I'm only hurting myself, I need to stop leting that happen.
I'm just done...

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

quinta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2011

#19 - a song from your favorite CD

I let it fall, my heart, and as it fell you rose to claim it. It was dark and I was over untill you kissed my lips and you saved me. My hands, they're strong but my knees were far too weak to stand in your arms without falling to your feet.

But there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew
All the things you'd say they were never true, never true
And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win.

But I set fire to the rain, watched it pour as I touched your face. Well, it burned while I cried 'cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name.

When laying with you I could stay there, close my eyes, feel you here forever, you and me together, nothing is better.

'Cause there's a side to you that I never knew, never knew
All the things you'd say they were never true, never true
And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win.

But I set fire to the rain, watched it pour as I touched your face. Well, it burned while I cried 'cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name.
I set fire to the rain and I threw us into the flames. Well I felt something die 'cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time.

Sometimes I wake up by the door and heard you calling, must be waiting for you. Even now when we're already over I can't help myself from looking for you. 

I set fire to the rain, watched it pour as I touched your face. Well, it burned while I cried 'cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name.
I set fire to the rain and I threw us into the flames. Well I felt something die 'cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time.

Let it burn 

I Miss You.

"Are you okay?"



"Because I really do miss you, very much. And today I realized that's something that probably will never change."

segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

Is It You?

"Is It You? Is It You? Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for,
Could you be the one for me? Could you be the one I need?"

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011

you don't always get what you want.

Prometi a mim mesma que não voltaria a gostar de ninguém como no passado gostei de ti.
Parece que essa foi a única promessa que não consegui cumprir.

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

#04 - a song that makes you sad.

"I'm so tired of being here suppressed by all my childish fears. And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave. Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone.
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just to real, there's just too much that time cannot erase.
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears, When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of this years but you still have all of me.
You used to cativate me by your resonating light, now I'm bound by the life you left behind. Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams. Your voice, it chased away all the sanity in me.
These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just to real, there's just too much that time cannot erase.
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears, When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears. And I held your hand through all of this years but you still have all of me.
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone but though you're still with me I've been alone all along.(...)"

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011


Recently Jeydon Wale said:

"First off, I just want to give a major thanks to all my fans/supporters/viewers for being crazy over the past 3.5 years. I've said it so many times, in so many different places, in a lot of ways; thank you. Joining YouTube changed my life from the second my first video was uploaded haha, honestly, and the support that has swarmed in is overwhelming and I'm grateful. Just wanted to dedicate this page to you, with a few extra words. I originally posted this on Facebook but it fits well... if no-one else supports you, just know that I will. Nobody should feel as if their dreams are unreachable....because as long as you see them, they are there. Whatever they are. I'll embrace that with you. Life is about living through your dreams... and I want you to know you can. I support your dreams like you support mine. It's incredible how my videos can brighten a day or help through rough times. I want my viewers to know that I'm deeper than a silly guy in a video and that I have a heart to watch out, help support and believe in people. Because really, all it takes is a vision of what you want and just go for it. It's your life, it all leads back to you, what you want and your dreams. They matter. You matter. Okie? :)

You be my Waliens, I support ya.

terça-feira, 15 de março de 2011

Yes, I can.

I'm gonna do something about it.
I just can't back down now!

Who says I can't do it?
Well, you know what? I don't  care!

domingo, 13 de março de 2011

Kill them with Kindness ♥

"You made me insecure, told me I wasn't good enough, but who are you to judge me? I’m sure you got some things you’d like to change about yourself but when it comes to me I wouldn’t want to be anybody else."

domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011

Not today!

Sometimes there's a dark rainy day outside but I act like I was the shining sun. Today, there's a beautiful day outside but I'm here feeling like s**t!

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011

Memories ♥

"Recordas as memórias mais intensas da tua vida, choras porque tens saudades mas ninguém entende pois só tu conheces o sabor das tuas recordações. Fazes planos a tentar substituí-las, sempre tentativas falhadas, mas não desistes. Guardas essas memórias como fotografias, insubstituíveis e eternas. Porque o que ficou gravado naquele momento, jamais poderá ser apagado."


segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Born to be somebody

"There's a dream in my soul, a fire that's deep inside me. There's a me no one knows waiting to be set free.
I'm gonna see that day. I can feel it, I can taste it. Change is coming my way.
I was born to be somebody. Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me. I'll light up the sky like lightning, I'm gonna rise above, show 'em what I'm made of. I was born to be somebody. I was born to be and this world will belong to me.
This life can kick you around, this world can make you feel small. They will not keep me down, I was born to stand tall.
I'm goin' all the way. I can feel it, I believe it. I'm here, I'm here to stay.
I was born to be somebody. Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me. I'll light up the sky like lightning, I'm gonna rise above, show 'em what I'm made of. I was born to be somebody. I was born to be and this world will belong to me.
Feel it, believe it, dream it, be it.
I was born to be somebody. Ain't nothing that's ever gonna stop me. I'll light up the sky like lightning, I'm gonna rise above, show 'em what I'm made of. I was born to be somebody. I was born to be and this world will belong to me.

And this world will belong to me."

                                                     Born To Be Somebody, Justin Bieber

domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011

Feeling Horrible

I feel like I could cry all night long. The only problem is that there's no more tears left to cry.

Never Say Never

"Anything is just have to have the courage to try."
Justin Bieber


- We only want the truth.

- You don't want the truth. You want a story.
You take a good normal person and turn it in you own little reality show.
You build him into a big celebrity so you can tear him down in public.
Just so you can sell magazines and tv shows. That's really sick.
And Christopher Wilde is just an example. He's talented and sucessful, he's all the stuff a lot of kids dream of having, but thanks to you he had to give up some of the best things in life: freedom, privacy, honesty, ...
So congratulations! You've created a celebrity but you have wracked the human been inside.
You should be ashamed of yourselfs!

sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011

B.U. ~> Be You

"Be yourself, be your own feelings. Be wild, be young, be free, for ever. Be fresh & be beautiful. Be sweet and sensual. Be your dreams. Just B.U."  

Do your own thing

You got to do your own thing, don't be just the same, get the party jumping the way you like. You got to do your own thing and dance your own day, you got something that makes you rise up to the top of the world. You got to know what you like. Show who you are tonight.
You got to do your own thing, you got to rock your own style, you got to live for yourself every once in a while.

                                                                                  Do your own thing, Raven-Symone

quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

"Keep away from the quiet & just never forget about the fun."

It's the message I found today on my shirt.

segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

Coisas irónicas da vida...


Lembras-te quando disseste que me adoravas e eu perguntei como podias adorar alguém que ainda mal conhecias?

Poisé, tu ficaste ofendido mas eu fiquei na minha.

Mas é irónico, agora dou por mim a sentir a tua falta, e conheço-te ao mesmo tempo que tu a mim.

domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011

Procura o que te faz falta

    É fantástico como a nossa cabeça muda de ideias tão rapidamente. O que numa altura faz sentido, passado algum tempo pode já não fazer.
    Há alturas em que estamos certos sobre o que queremos e o que temos e isso faz-nos enfrentar cada dia com um sorriso na cara esteja frio ou calor, a chover ou a fazer sol. Em contraste, há outras alturas em que a nossa cabeça parece um remoinho onde só há confusão. Não sabemos o que queremos, o que precisamos e, principalmente, do que sentimos falta.
    Eu percebi agora que afinal eu sinto falta de pessoas do passado. Pessoas que me faziam sentir importante, especial e que me apoiavam sempre em tudo. Pessoas que me faziam ultrapassar cada dia com um enorme sorriso pois ao lado delas não havia outro modo de viver. Pessoas que fui deixando escapar-me com o tempo e não fiz nada para não as deixar ir.

Se juntar os meus amigos de hoje aos velhos amigos do passado que deixei escapar entre os dedos quando não o devia ter feito, tudo será perfeito. 

sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011

Won't Stop

Yeah, they talk. Yeah, they talk.
They don't walk the walk I walk.
I won't stop, 'til I drop.
Until then, I reach the top.
I'ma rock to where I need to be.
Walk the path of destiny.
Definitely been neglected, but God is always testin' me.
Rest in peace to all the men that died that were protecting me. Objectively, I need to tell you what just gets the best of me.
Essentially, people in this world just wanna let it be.
A lot of men ain't different though, just let it be.
Set it free.
Never be scared to make change, effectively.
Always look at things from different ways, perspectively.
Every person in this world can do good.
I just want this message understood.
Alright.. stop.
Everybody's gotta listen make the decision to envision a better place with no division.
Everybody needs a mission. Haters need to stop it, just listen.

I see them coming, yeah.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.
I, I see them coming, coming.
They try to bring me down, but I won't stop.
They want me in the ground, but I won't stop.
'Til I'm dead, man, I won't stop. No.

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

"When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin. It works not because it settles the question for you, but because in that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddently know what you're hoping for."

segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Jesse McCartney

They've got a lot of girls who know they got it going on but nothing's ever a comparison to you. Now can't you see that you're the only one I really want and everything I need is everything you do.
Any girl walking by don't matter 'cuz you're looking so much better, don't ever need to get caught up in jealousy. She could be a super model, every magazine the cover, she'll never ever mean a thing to me.
She's no you.
You give me more than I could ever want.
She's no you.
I'm satisfied with the one I've got 'cuz you're all the girl that I've ever dream, she's only a picture on a magazine.
She's no you.
She's no you!
They got a lot of girls who dance in all the videos but I prefer the way you do, the way you move. You're more than beautiful and I just wanna let you know that what I ever need is what I've got with you.
Any girl walking by don't matter, everytime you're looking better, I think you're perfect there ain't nothing I would change. She could be a super model, every magazine the cover, she'll never ever take my heart away.
She's no you.
You give me more than I could ever want.
She's no you.
I'm satisfied with the one I've got 'cuz you're all the girl that I've ever dream, she's only a picture on a magazine.
She's no you.
She's no you!
No one's ever gonna get to me the way you do, now baby can't you see that you're the one, the only one, who ever made me feel this way? Nothing's ever coming even close, no, no one's ever been comparable to you.
I don't want nothing I don't got, I don't need nothing but you. I can't get more than you're giving me, don't stop anything you do. You're all that, all that and then some, you know what? just what I need and no girl, no place and nowhere could mean a thing to me.
She's no you.
You give me more than I could ever want.
She's no you.
I'm satisfied with the one I've got 'cuz you're all the girl that I've ever dream, she's only a picture on a magazine.
She's no you.
She's no you!

Deep down I know you like me but sometimes it's just nice to hear it from you.

domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

"Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you have seen him/her or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something and you wish that he/she was right there with you."

quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011

Sometimes the smalest actions are the most important ones.

For me, the best gifts are not the ones you go to a store one or two days before and buy it. The best gifts are the ones you already have. A personal object. Something that you like and keep.

Actually I have a bracelet that one of my best friends gave me. I'm holding it right now. It was something I remember seing a lot of times in her wrist. Then, one day, she gave it to me. Now everytime I look at my wrist I remember of her and automaticaly smile. I hold it and I suddently know that all our past was true. I know I mean something to her. I know she trusts me.

"It's so good to feel apreciated."

"Learn how to appreciate the smallest things."

I'm not just a girl.

"Don't expect me to fall in your category or match up to the story of a tipical young lady, that just ain't me, no. I have ways to web inside the circle, made my own decisions not caring about collisions though people try to change me.
They show me a mold and say "come get in", they say "here's your box, come get in". They like to fit me in this world but they failed to remember I'm not just a girl.
I'm much more than that, I'm a leader and a fighter. I'm bigger than that, I'm stronger and I'm wiser. I won't pretend it out. The world will hear me out. I'll strive and fight until they discover I'm not just a girl.
Don't get mad cuz I beat you at your own game and I made my own rules to play, and I did it with style and grace in your face, yeah. No I won't sit back, shut up and listen, I was made a little different and I know you see the difference.
Don't show me a mold and say "come fit in", don't say "here's your box, come get in". You like to fit me in your world but you failed to remember I'm not just a girl.
I'm much more than that, I'm a leader and a fighter. I'm bigger than that, I'm stronger and I'm wiser. I won't pretend it out. The world will hear me out. I'll strive and fight until they discover I'm not just a girl."

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Rascall Flatts - Sarah Beth

"Sarah Beth is scared to death to hear what the doctor will say. She hasn't been well since the day that she fell and the bruises just won't go away.
So she sits and she waits with her mother and dad, flips through an old magazine till the nurse with a smile stands at the door and says will you please come with me...
Sarah Beth is scared to death cuz the doctor just told her the news. Between the red cells and white something's not right but we're gonna take care of you.
Six chances in ten it won't come back again, with the teraphy we're gonna try. It's just been approved, it's the strongest there is. I think we caught it in time.
Sarah Beth closes her eyes....
She dreams she's dancing around and around without any cares and her very first love is holding her close and the soft wind is blowing her hair.
Sarah Beth is scared to death as she sits holding her mom. Says it would be a mistake for someone to take a girl with no hair to the prom.
Oh, just this morning right there on her pillow was the coolest of any surprises. And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands, the proof that she couldn't deny.
Sarah Beth closes her eyes....
She dreams she's dancing around and around without any cares and her very first love is holding her close and the soft wind is blowing her hair.
It's quarter to seven, that boy's at the door, her daddy ushers him in... and when he takes off his cap they all start to cry cause this morning where his hair had been, softly she touches just skin. 
They go dancing around and around without any cares and her very first true love is holding her close and for a moment she isn't scared."

quinta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2011


Sometimes I pretend to be happy, talking a lot and laughing out loud so nobody can see what's really inside. But, at the end of the day, I always find myself all alone, facing the crucial truth that I'm to broken inside that nothing seems to be able to take it away.

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

The room is so silent but my mind is so loud

"Those minutes where I am alone, just me and my pillow. I think. A lot. I think about everything, anything. It varies from "What am I doing with my life?" to "Did I have homework?". The room is so silent but my mind is so loud. It drives me crazy because the things I would never think about, I think. Sometimes I hate it because it brings up things I rather never think about again. The split second before sleep is the most active second of my life."

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011


Talvez eu viva em dois mundos diferentes: o mundo real e o mundo que imaginei na  minha cabeça. Mas, honestamente, não sei o que seria de mim sem esse meu mundo. É ele que me dá a força necessária para me levantar todos os dias de manhã e seguir para o dia que me espera lá fora e é lá que tento pôr em prática o que sonhei.
Digam-me o que disserem, são os meus sonhos que guiam o meu futuro, é preciso é saber lidar com eles. São as coisas que quero atingir no futuro. Alguns pequenos, outros demasiado grandes, mas são os meus sonhos e, é através deles, que escolho os meus objectivos.

"Follow your heart and your dreams will come true."

"Maybe, sometimes people did not actually change. You just never knew who they really were."

Whataya Want From Me


domingo, 2 de janeiro de 2011

Happy New Year!

De qualquer maneira, espero que todos tenham um bom ano. Visto que com a crise já nos dizem que provavelmente não vai ser melhor que o ano passado, ao menos que não seja pior. Mas qual é o mal em ser positivo? Nenhum. Espero que este ano consigam alcançar os vossos objectivos :D

Desejo-vos tudo de bom!

De volta à escola -.-

Realmente a volta à escola é uma bela maneira de começar um novo ano -.-
Mas, de qualquer maneira, não há nada que eu possa fazer. Lá vou eu voltar para a tortura.

Mal posso esperar pelas próximas férias!