Arquivo do blogue

quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2010

Fighting for your dreams is fighting for your future.

If you really want it you're closer to make it true.

terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

Spread Love not Hate ♡

"H.A.T.E.R.S - Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success."

There's nothing fun about rumors. I don't really get why people make those lies. Why people can't see that rumors only hurt people and they should really care about others feelings? I don't have to understand it anyway. I just have to keep supporting the ones I care for.

People can be gettin' hate on you but just know there are always people who don't care about it. I don't care about haters, I only care about you.

You'll always have my support!
I won't stop believing!

segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010

#Letter for someone I don't know yet...

It all started with something I can't explain...You quickly showed up of nowhere and fell in my world without asking any permission. Then you turned my world upside down. It's amazing how you have the power to play with it...but please, don't. You didn't ask for that power, I didn't give it to you either, but you just have it.

You can make me sad, feel horrible with a sentence or a reaction...but you didn't ☺yet...
I know I'm good enough...I care enough...and about love, you're already stuck in my heart.

Of some things you can be sure:
When I say I'll always be by your side, I mean it.
When I say I'm someone you can trust, I mean it.
I'll never let you down, you're too important.
Now you don't know all these things but I hope someday you will. I'm always supporting you and I only ask one thing in return: Please, don't disappoint me...

You seem perfect for me. You're cute, sweet, caring...your voice makes me feel safe...the way you act makes me feel proud +.+ But...what if I'm wrong? I don't know you at all. You've been showing me those things but I haven't had the opportunity to see it all by myself. Hope one day I will.

One day I'll have my opportunity and then we'll see if it's meant to be. If it's not, I'll get hurt but at least I'll know I tried. So hard...
But until then I'm still dreaming, living my illusions and searching for you. Because that's what makes me happy.

See u someday.

sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010

It's my life, my decisions... ♥

It's my life, my decisions...

You may think you know what's best for me better than I do...

but it's my life, my decisions...

If you really care about me, you shouldn't be judging but respecting and supporting me...

'Cause it's my life, my decisions...

You don't understand that the only thing you're doing is make me feel alone...

Anyways, still my life, my decisions.

Life has these moments...

When life gets harder, you feel like everything is falling down and you are completly lost, try to find a way out.

Think about the good things you still have.

There will always be people who stay by your side no matter what.

Think about that, raise your head and believe.

You can win and go through everything.

1º Post

Comecei este meu percurso numa pequena secção da minha conta do Myspace que passou a ser o meu pequeno blog. Foi aí que me apercebi que tinha uma enorme paixão pela arte criada através da escrita. 

Eram vários que gostavam do que eu escrevia e que me aconselharam a continuar. Decidi então "mudar-me" para um espaço mais adequado. Por isso mesmo, aqui estou eu! 

A partir de hoje este vai ser o meu espaço, e no meu espaço escrevo sobre o que quiser e bem me apetecer, sem ter que dar qualquer tipo de explicações a ninguém.

Vou começar por aqui colocar alguns posts que já escrevi antes. Para mim faz sentido que aqui também estejam presentes. Também vou publicar as minhas frases preferidas e até excertos dos livros que vou lendo. 

M'cy, Cláudia, Babi, ...agora que segui o vosso conselho espero vê-las por aqui.

Bem-vindos ao meu novo cantinho. Espero que fiquem desse lado a acompanhar os meus desabafos. Talvez correspondam a alguns dos vossos.