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sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018

Share Your Struggles

Not a single word has been easy to write. However, my mind takes me to a couple of months ago, when it was ME reading YOUR words. When I thought I was completely alone but you were brave enough to let me know that there's a lot of people that (unfortunately) are fighting this very same battle. By understanding exactly what I was going through, you showed me that I was everything but hopeless. You showed me that I've been very strong and that even though I feel exhausted, there’s still a lot of fight left in me. So now it's my time to be brave. I'm not going to let anxiety or insecurity or even this frailty take the best of me. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that tomorrow is going to be a better day. Not only for me but also for the ones who witnessed my decay and never left my side, no matter how messed up the situation got. 

One step at a time. 

Being patient. 

I know I’ll get there.

Share some of your struggles. You can make a difference. Even when you don't realize that’s what you're doing.