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sábado, 16 de março de 2013


I know things might seem impossible to change. Like you can't escape the way you're feeling right now. It's like you're in a fucking cage and you just can't seem to be able to get out. I really do know. Everyday I wake up and, although I feel numb, empty inside, somehow I find the strenght to get up and do all the things I gotta do. But that's not enough! I have to try harder. I know that even if you give your best to be strong every single day that goes by, you still let some negativity get to your thoughts. But that's over. No more negativity. I will feel hope, faith, wonder and beauty again. I will feel alive. I am stronger than anything that gets thrown my way. It can take a while but I know I can do this. I know I'm not the only one feeling like this in the world so we'll do this together. Let's just live one day at a time. I'm ready to go back to the girl I'm meant to be. I'm gonna fight this darkness. And I'm going to win. What about you? 

I know I came to this world to have the courage to pursue my dreams and leave a mark no one can leave for me. Just follow my example. Find some inspiration. There's a lot of things, we're just not paying attention. There's music, and people, and places...You have to believe. We are gonna get through this.

Prepare to be fearless, to be the change you want to see in the world. Put who you are in every single thing you do

"Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. So Imma get stronger." 

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