That's when I heard his voice. How is it possible that after all these years it doesn't take me more than a second to recognize his laugh?
Although I was astonished by how quickly I recognized him without even having to see his face, I froze. I didn't look at him. I didn't get up to go talk to him. I was actually praying that he wouldn't acknowledge me.
After I arrived home that night I spent hours wondering why the hell I simply didn't do anything. I was making excuses for myself, unaware that I was trying to take the easy way out. Some people spend so much time apart that they become complete strangers and whatever they felt belongs in the past. However, I know we are not the case. I don't see us as strangers, that wouldn't be the truth. The truth is much more complicated than that.
Deep down I knew that I didn't do anything because this is not the person I would want you to see after all this time.
When we talk again I want you to see that although we're older an not the same people anymore you can still find a glimpse of the girl I used to be. I want you to see the real me. However, I'm currently struggling to find her. I want you to see me happy. I want you to be proud of how far I've gotten and how I was able to make a good life for myself. And that's not me right now. This girl would disappoint you.